Emily Hansen

Why Kenya?

After the American high school students from the Service Learning in Kenya (SLIK) program returned home, Fred asked if I would do an interview as a previous SLIK participant reflecting on my experiences from the program, as well as on our current work with the Foundation. Among the questions he asked—Why did you first come to Kenya? What encouraged you to come back? How did the Hansen Foundation for Education begin?—there was one in particular that stimulated my consideration throughout the rest of the week:  Out of all the places you could travel to in the world, why Kenya?

Safari in Samburu

From July 14th through 16th, Ben and I went on safari with Fred Roberts (Hansen Foundation for Education Board Member and Service Learning in Kenya Director) at the Samburu National Reserve, located about 165 kilometers north of Naro Moru.

We had the incredible opportunity to see African wildlife, as well as to get to know the American high school students participating in his SLIK program.

We have created a "photo journal" and video of our time in Samburu to share with you. 

Insights into the Educational Support Network at Irigithathi Primary School

Our first official day teaching at Irigithathi Primary School started off with a warm welcome from Head Teacher Peterson Kihara and several introductory speeches from his colleagues Mrs. Maina and Mrs. Githaiga. Their words opened our eyes to the teachers’ exceptional level of dedication to ensuring their students’ physical and mental wellness and made us aware of the lengths they go to to prepare their students for the KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) examination and, more broadly, for continued educational opportunities after primary school. I could hear the conviction and passion behind their words and was once again inspired and heartened by the close-knit, unified, and hardworking nature of the teaching team at Irigithathi. 

Our First Day in Words and Pictures: Gratitude, Opportunity, Hope, and Family

On our first full day in Naro Moru, my cousin Ben and I walked to Irigithathi Primary School to greet the teachers and students and, afterwards, visited Irigithathi Secondary School to catch up with Principal Njeru and meet the thirteen Hansen Scholars.  Our schedule for the day was simple, yet as I play through yesterday’s reunions and events in my mind, I continue to feel so thrilled and wonderfully overwhelmed by the number of gleeful faces and outstretched hands we saw; by the depth of our conversations with old friends; and by the fact that, even after having been gone for several years, coming back to Naro Moru, and specifically to Irigithathi, felt like returning home. 

Goals and Vision

We hope that this blog will serve as a site of interest, reflection, and insight and that, by reading our daily entries and musings during our time in Naro Moru, you may be inspired by the community of students, educators, teachers and parents/volunteers who are making education a priority.