2015 Hansen Scholars

2015 Hansen Scholars

Education really means a lot to me because ... I believe that, as I continue [studying] ... I’ll be able to make society better than what it is right now ... I will also be able to bring up my kids knowing that education is important to ... helping people.
— Christine
I study hard because I know that when ... I can help my parents, I can help myself, and then my family. When you can’t help yourself or your family, you are useless. I want to become a person who can say something that can be done.
— Samuel
School helps to achieve what you want - your goals ... In the future, I’d like to become a doctor, so in my science studies, I must work hard.
— Eustace
Education helps [us] to have knowledge, to shape the society, and also to help others.
— Rose
When you are educated, you are able to improve society and the background where you come from. You raise your young ones, your brothers and sisters ... you also raise your family, and assist those children whose parents are poor. And then they will be able to continue with their education.
— Winrose
To me, education is useful because it helps someone acquire knowledge ... Because you are learning day in and day out, you [learn] to ... cooperate with the people around you. You are able to invent things. You will help others because of your education, and then, you will get a good job.
— Mercy
The things that make me be in school are my parents and also my future children ... Thinking of them makes me ... continue to work hard. I want to help my parents. And become a successful person in the future.
— Simon